* Firebrick JS - JavaScript MVC Framework powered by jQuery and Knockout JS
* @author Steven Masala [me@smasala.com]
* @version 0.13.12
( function( root, factory ) {
"use strict";
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
define( [ "jquery", "knockout", "knockout-mapping", "text" ], function( $, ko, kom ) {
ko.mapping = kom;
return factory( $, ko );
} );
} else {
factory( root.jQuery, root.ko );
}( this, function( $, ko ) {
"use strict";
if ( window.Firebrick || window.fb ) {
console.error( "unable to initialise FirebrickJS, window.Firebrick or window.fb are already defined" );
* A lightweight JavaScript MVC Framework powered with jQuery, Knockout JS and Require JS
* @module Firebrick
* @class Firebrick
var Firebrick = {
* @property version
* @type {String}
version: "0.13.12",
* used to store configurations set Firebrick.ready()
* @private
* @property app
* @property app.name
* @type {Object}
app: {
name: ""
* @property _ns
* @private
* @type {Array}
* @default [app.name]
_ns: [],
* ready function to kick start the application
* @method application
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} options.ready {Function} - called on document ready
* @param {Object} options.app
* @param {Object} options.app.name name of the app
* @param {Object} options.app.path path of the app
* @param {Object} options.autoRender {Boolean} whether to call first view automatically "{app.name}.view.Index",
* @param {Object} options.viewData {Object} viewData to be passed to the autoRender view,
* @param {Object} options.splash {String} - html or string to be rendered before the document is loaded - removed on document.ready
* @param {Object} options.require {String, Array of Strings} file(s) are required
* @param {Object} options.cache {Boolean} [cache=true] whether require should cache files or not,
* @param {Object} options.dev {Boolean} [dev=false] true to print requirejs exceptions to console
* @param {Object} options.lang language file name or store,
application: function( options ) {
var me = this;
me.app = options.app;
me.utils.initSplash( options.splash || me.templates.loadingTpl );
Firebrick.boot.prepApplication( options );
//if files need to be required first, then require them and fire the application
if ( options.require && options.require.length > 0 ) {
if ( !$.isArray( options.require ) ) {
//convert to array if no already
options.require = [ options.require ];
require( options.require, function() {
var args = arguments;
$( document ).ready( function() {
if ( options.ready ) {
options.ready.apply( Firebrick, args );
} );
} );
} else {
$( document ).ready( function() {
if ( options.ready ) {
} );
* show stackTrace at any given point by creating an error. This will only work if the application is in "dev" mode.
* @method stackTrace
* @param force {Boolean} [default=false] set to true to force the stacktrace in prod mode too
* @return stack trace
stackTrace: function() {
return new Error().stack;
* @method shortcut
* @private
* @param scope {Object}
* @param func {String}
* @param args {Args..}
* @return {Many}
shortcut: function( scope, func, args ) {
return scope[ func ].apply( scope, args );
* shortcut for Firebrick.classes:get
* @method get
get: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.classes, "get", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.classes:getById
* @method getById
getById: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.classes, "getById", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.classes:create
* @method create
create: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.classes, "create", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.classes:define
* @method define
define: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.classes, "define", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.controllers.createController
* @method createController
createController: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.controllers, "createController", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.utils.require
* @method require
require: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.utils, "require", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.views.loadRaw
* @method loadRaw
loadRaw: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.views, "loadRaw", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.views.createView
* @method createView
createView: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.views, "createView", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.views.defineView
* @method defineView
defineView: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.views, "defineView", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.views.getBody
* @method getBody
getBody: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.views, "getBody", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.utils.delay
* @method delay
delay: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.utils, "delay", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.events.addListener
* @method addListener
addListener: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.events, "addListener", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.events.removeListener
* @method removeListener
removeListener: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.events, "removeListener", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.events.fireEvent
* @method fireEvent
fireEvent: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.events, "fireEvent", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.events.on
* @method on
on: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.events, "on", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.events.off
* @method off
off: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.events, "off", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.data.store.createStore
* @method createStore
createStore: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.data.store, "createStore", arguments );
* shortcut for Firebrick.languages.getByKey
* @method text
text: function() {
return this.shortcut( this.languages, "getByKey", arguments );
* this is used in conjunction with "scrollTo" url parameter.
* This is needed if you have a fixed header for example and the browser
* scroll the anchor to position 0 which is behind the header - effectively cutting off content
* @property scrollTopOffset
* @type {Integer|Function}
* @default 0
scrollTopOffset: 0,
* @property scrollContainerSelector
* @type {String}
* @default "body, html"
scrollContainerSelector: "body, html",
* @for Firebrick
* @class Classes
classes: {
* Class Registry
* @property _classRegistry
* @private
* @type {Object} map of all classes
_classRegistry: {},
* @property _createdClasses
* @private
* @type {Object} map of all classes
_createdClasses: {},
* sName lookups - map with sName and path to file
* @property _lookup
* @private
* @type {Object} map
_lookup: {},
* @property _sNames
* @private
* @type {Object} map
_sNames: {},
* sName lookups
* @example
* addLookups({"button.button": {classname: "Firebrick.ui.button.Button"}});
* @example
* addLookups("button.button", "Firebrick.ui.button.Button")
* @method addLookups
* @param name
* @param config {object}
* @param config.classname {String}
* @return self
addLookups: function( name, config ) {
var me = this;
if ( $.isPlainObject( name ) ) {
me._lookup = Firebrick.utils.overwrite( me._lookup, name );
} else {
me._lookup[ name ] = config;
return me;
* returns a firebrick class by name from the registry
* @method get
* @param name {String}
* @return {Object}
get: function( name ) {
var me = this;
return me._classRegistry[ name ] || me.getSNameConfig( name );
* @method addSName
* @param sName {String}
* @param clazz {Object}
* @return self
addSName: function( sName, clazz ) {
var me = this;
me._sNames[ sName.toLowerCase() ] = clazz;
* get a class by property: classId
* @method getById
* @param {String} id
* @return {Object|null}
getById: function( id ) {
var me = this;
if ( id ) {
return me._createdClasses[ id ];
return null;
* @method getSNameConfig
* @param name {String} components unique shortname "fields.input"
* @return {Object|null}
getSNameConfig: function( name ) {
return this._sNames[ name.toLowerCase() ];
* remove a class from the created classes registry
* @method removeClass
* @param clazz {Object|String} clazz object or classname
removeClass: function( clazz ) {
var obj = typeof clazz === "string" ? Firebrick.get( clazz ) : clazz;
if ( obj ) {
if ( obj.id ) {
delete Firebrick.classes._createdClasses[ obj.id ]; //delete the tmp created obj
//delete Firebrick.classes._classRegistry[obj._classname];
// if(!clazz._fbTmpClass){
// delete Firebrick.classes._classRegistry[obj._classname]; //delete class itself
// }
* @method _callParentConstructor
* @private
* @param func {Function}
* @param parent {Function}
* @return new function {Function}
_callParentConstructor: function( func, parent ) {
return function() {
var me = this, id = Firebrick.utils.uniqId(), scopeCallParentId;
//if this callParent has already been set, then callParent is being call from inside a callParent call
//make a copy of it to ensure it set to the current value after the parent function is called
if ( me.callParent ) {
scopeCallParentId = "_scope_callParent_" + id;
me[ scopeCallParentId ] = me.callParent;
me.callParent = function( args ) {
return parent.apply( me, args );
var r = func.apply( me, arguments );
//restoring call function scope
if ( scopeCallParentId ) {
me.callParent = me[ scopeCallParentId ];
delete me[ scopeCallParentId ];
} else {
delete me.callParent;
return r;
* pass a simple object and a super class that you wish to extend from OOP
* @method extend
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {Object} superc object class
* @return {Object} prototype of superc (i.e. obj which extends from super
extend: function( obj, superc ) {
var me = this, objTemp = {}, p;
//iterate over all obj parameters
for ( p in obj ) {
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( p ) ) {
//replace the property with a descriptor object
objTemp[ p ] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( obj, p );
//if the property is found in the super class and is a function
if ( superc[ p ] && $.isFunction( superc[ p ] ) && $.isFunction( obj[ p ] ) ) {
//enable the function to call its super function by calling this.callParent
objTemp[ p ].value = me._callParentConstructor( objTemp[ p ].value, superc[ p ] );
//create a tmp version of the super object
var tmp = Object.create( superc );
//create a new object with the descriptors that inherit from super
return Object.create( Object.getPrototypeOf( tmp ), objTemp );
* get or returns a firebrick class by name and calls init()
* @example
* Firebrick.create("SomeAlreadyDefinedClass");
* Firebrick.create("MyNewClass", { a:1 } );
* Firebrick.create({a:1});
* Firebrick.create({extend:"someclass"});
* @method create
* @param name {String}
* @param config {Object}
* @return {Object|Null} if null then asynchronous dependency calls were made
create: function( name, config ) {
var me = this,
if ( typeof name !== "string" ) {
//create called with one param (object)
config = name;
name = "";
} else {
clazz = me.get( name );
if ( clazz ) {
//check if there are any config options
clazz = me.extend( config, clazz );
return me._create( clazz, name, config );
} else {
//if null is returned, then asynchronous call was made
clazz = me.define( name, config || {}, function( clazz1 ) {
if ( !clazz ) {
//no return as this is asynchronous
me._create( clazz1, name, config );
} );
if ( clazz ) {
return me._create( clazz, name, config );
* use create()
* @method _create
* @private
* @param clazz {Object} class currently being created
* @param name {String} first argument of create()
* @param config {Object} second argument of create()
_create: function( clazz, name, config ) {
var me = this;
clazz.initialConfig = config;
if ( !clazz.id ) {
clazz.id = clazz.getId ? clazz.getId() : Firebrick.utils.uniqId();
me._createdClasses[ clazz.id ] = clazz;
if ( clazz.init ) {
return clazz;
* @method _initMixins
* @private
* @param clazz {Object}
* @param name {String} optional
* @return {Object} clazz
_initMixins: function( clazz ) { //args: name
var me = this;
//all mixins are mixed in when the class is defined - so only look if the object has the property itself (not parent)
//so that mixins are not mixed twice or more
if ( clazz.hasOwnProperty( "mixins" ) ) {
//mixit check to make sure that the mixin hasn't been mixed in already
var mixit = function( obj, mix ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( mix ) ) {
// if(!mix._mixedIn){
me._doMix( obj, mix );
// }
} else if ( typeof mix === "string" ) {
// if(!obj.hasMixin(mix)){
me._mixinAdded( obj, mix );
mix = Firebrick.get( mix );
if ( !mix ) {
new Error( "unable to find mixin", obj.mixins );
me._doMix( obj, mix );
// }
return mix;
if ( $.isArray( clazz.mixins ) ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = clazz.mixins.length; i < l; i++ ) {
clazz.mixins[ i ] = mixit( clazz, clazz.mixins[ i ] );
} else {
clazz.mixins = mixit( clazz, clazz.mixins );
return clazz;
* @method mixinAdded
* @param name {String}
* @return clazz {Object}
_mixinAdded: function( clazz, name ) {
var me = this;
if ( !clazz._mixins ) {
clazz._mixins = {};
clazz._mixins[ name ] = 1;
return me;
* @method hasMixin
* @param name {String}
* @return {Boolean}
hasMixin: function( clazz, name ) {
var me = clazz;
return !( !me._mixins || !me._mixins[ name ] );
* @private
* @method _doMix
* @param obj {Object} core class
* @param mix {Object} mixin to mix into the core class (obj}
_doMix: function( obj, mix ) {
//mix._mixedIn = true; //mark as mixed in - extra safety measure
return Firebrick.utils.copyover( obj, mix );
* define a firebrick class
* @method define
* @param name {String}
* @param config {Object} optional
* @param callback {Function} optional - needed if you wish to call actions after all dependencies have loaded
* @return {Object|Null} if null then asynchronous dependency calls were made
define: function( name, config, callback ) {
var me = this, _super, url, clazz, ext = config.extend, args = arguments;
if ( ext ) {
_super = me.get( ext );
if ( !_super ) {
url = Firebrick.utils.getPathFromName( ext );
console.warn( url, "is being loaded on demand, try preloading it before hand for better performance:", ext );
require( [ url ], function() {
clazz = me._define.apply( me, args );
if ( callback ) {
callback( clazz );
} );
} else {
clazz = me._define.apply( me, args );
} else {
clazz = me._define.apply( me, args );
return clazz;
* do not call directly... call Firebrick.define()
* @private
* @method define
* @param name {String}
* @param config {Object} optional
* @return {Object} the newly created class
_define: function( name, config ) {
var me = this, clazz, _super, ext = config.extend;
if ( ext ) {
_super = me.get( ext );
if ( !_super ) {
console.error( "unable load super class", ext, "for class", name );
clazz = me.extend( config, _super );
} else {
clazz = config;
clazz = me._initMixins( clazz, name );
if ( name ) {
clazz._classname = name;
//check if not a temporary class: Firebrick.create({...})
if ( !clazz._fbTmpClass ) {
me._classRegistry[ name ] = clazz;
//check sName property exists and has value
if ( clazz.hasOwnProperty( "sName" ) && clazz.sName ) {
//also sName
me.addSName( clazz.sName, clazz );
if ( clazz.constructor ) {
clazz.constructor( name );
return clazz;
* overwrite a class with new properties - uses Firebrick.utils.overwrite
* @method overwrite
* @param name {String}
* @param properties {Object}
* @return Overwritten {Object}
overwrite: function( name, properties ) {
return Firebrick.utils.overwrite( Firebrick.get( name ), properties );
* @for Firebrick
* @class Controllers
controllers: {
* shorthand method. Same as calling Firebrick:create, however it sets the extend value on the config to "Firebrick.controller.Base" automatically
* @method createController
* @param name {String}
* @param config {Object} optional
* @return {Object} class
createController: function( name, config ) {
config = config || {};
if ( typeof name !== "string" ) {
name = "tmp" + Firebrick.utils.uniqId();
config._fbTmpClass = true;
config.extend = "Firebrick.controller.Base";
return Firebrick.create( name, config );
* @for Firebrick
* @class Templates
templates: {
* General loading tpl - override to change the loading mask
* Bootstrap is needed for this to work
* @property loadingTpl
loadingTpl: "<div class='fb-view-loader'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-refresh glyphicon-refresh-animate'></span></div>"
* @for Firebrick
* @class Views
views: {
* used by Firebrick.Boot:prepApplication to render the "view/Index.html" when autoRender is true
* @private
* @event viewReady
* @method bootView
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} options.viewData to pass to the view Store parameter
bootView: function( options ) {
return Firebrick.createView( Firebrick.app.name + ".view.Index", {
target: options.target || "body",
store: options.viewData,
async: true,
listeners: {
"ready": function() {
Firebrick.fireEvent( "viewReady", this );
} );
* Create and render a view (shorthand function)
* @method createView
* @example
* createView({...})
* @example
* createView("MyApp.view.MyView")
* @example
* createView("MyApp.view.MyView", {...})
* @param name {String} example: "MyApp.view.MyView"
* @param config {Object} (optional) object to config the View class with
* @return {Object} Firebrick.view.Base class
createView: function( name, config ) {
if ( name && !config ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( name ) ) {
//one parameter passed
// ...
config = name;
name = "tmp-" + Firebrick.utils.uniqId();
config._fbTmpClass = true;
} else {
config = {};
config = this._basicViewConfigurations( config );
return Firebrick.create( name, config );
* Note: different to Firebrick.define() for classes -
* Firebrick.defineView, defines and fetches if not already loaded the given view by name
* @method defineView
* @param name {String} name of the view to me shown "MyApp.view.MyView"
* @param config {Object} (optional) object to config the View class with
* @return {Object} Firebrick.view.Base class
defineView: function( name, config ) {
var me = this;
config = me._basicViewConfigurations( config );
return Firebrick.define( name, config );
* initialise subviews of a view
* @private
* @method initSubViews
* @param view {Object}
* @return {Object} view passed
initSubViews: function( view ) {
var me = this, subViews = view.subViews;
if ( subViews ) {
if ( $.isArray( subViews ) ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = subViews.length; i < l; i++ ) {
view.subViews[ i ] = me._loadSubView( subViews[ i ] );
} else {
view.subViews = me._loadSubView( subViews );
return view;
* used by initSubViews
* @private
* @method _loadSubView
* @param subView {Object}
* @return {Object} subView passed
_loadSubView: function( subView ) {
if ( typeof subView === "string" ) {
subView = Firebrick.createView( subView, {
autoRender: false
} );
} else if ( $.isPlainObject( subView ) ) {
if ( subView.isView ) {
if ( subView._state === "unbound" ) {
subView = subView.render();
} else {
var a = Firebrick.createView( subView._classname );
subView = a;
Firebrick.classes._classRegistry[ subView._classname ] = a;
return subView;
* Basic view configurations when defining/creating a view with shorthand function calls
* @private
* @method _basicViewConfigurations
* @param config {Object} (optional)
* @return {Object}
_basicViewConfigurations: function( config ) {
config = config || {};
if ( !config.extend ) {
config.extend = "Firebrick.view.Base";
return config;
* jQuery body object (cache) - is set initally by {{crossLink Firebrick.views:getBody}}{{/crossLink}}
* @private
* @property _body
* @type {Object} jquery object
_body: null,
* Shortcut to get jQuery("body")
* @method getBody
* @param refresh {Boolean} [default=false] (optional) if true gets the body object fresh from dom and not from cache
* @return {Object} jquery object
getBody: function( refresh ) {
var me = this;
if ( refresh === true || !me._body ) {
me._body = $( "body" );
return me._body;
* find the target using a selector - same as jQuery(selector)
* @method getTarget
* @param selector {String, jQuery Object}
* @return {Object, Null} jquery object || null
getTarget: function( selector ) {
var a = selector && selector.jquery ? selector : $( selector );
return a.length > 0 ? a : null;
* Render HTML or Template to the given target
* @private
* @method renderTo
* @param target {jQuery Object}
* @param html {String} template or html
* @param append {Boolean} [default=false] if true will append to instead of overwriting content of target
* @param options {$.show ( options )} arguments - optional
* @return {jQuery Object} target
renderTo: function( target, html, append, options ) {
var $content = $( html );
if ( append === true ) {
target.append( $content );
} else {
target.html( $content );
return $content.show( options );
* @for Firebrick
* @class Boot
boot: {
* used by Firebrick:ready
* @method prepApplication
* @private
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} options.cache
* @param {Object} options.dev
* @param {Object} options.lang
* @param {Object} options.autoRender
prepApplication: function( options ) {
if ( options.cache === false ) {
require.config( {
urlArgs: "fb=" + ( new Date() ).getTime()
} );
$.ajaxSetup( {
cache: false
} );
if ( options.dev ) {
requirejs.onError = function( err ) {
if ( err.requireType === "timeout" ) {
console.log( "modules: " + err.requireModules );
} else {
console.error( err.message );
console.error( err.text );
console.error( err.requireMap );
console.error( err.stack );
new Error( err );
if ( options.lang ) {
Firebrick.languages.init( options.lang );
if ( options.autoRender !== false ) {
Firebrick.views.bootView( options );
* @for Firebrick
* @class Utils
utils: {
* keep track of all require requests
* @property requiredFiles
* @private
* @type {Object} map
requiredFiles: {},
* keep track of all the interval functions running
* @private
* @property intervalRegistry
* @type {Object} map
intervalRegistry: {},
* used by init&Clear Splash
* @private
* @property splashCleared
* @type {Object} map
splashCleared: false,
* html is appended to the $("html") tag before the document is ready
* used by Firebrick:ready
* @example
* @method initSplash
* @private
* @param {String} html
initSplash: function( html ) {
var me = this;
Firebrick.delay( function() {
if ( !me.splashCleared ) {
$( "html" ).append( "<div id='fb-splash'>" + html + "</div>" );
}, 1 );
* removes splash tag $("#fb-splash")
* @private
* @method clearSplash
clearSplash: function() {
this.splashCleared = true;
$( "#fb-splash" ).remove();
* shortcut for knockout.dataFor
* @method dataFor
* @return knockout.dataFor
dataFor: function() {
return ko.dataFor.apply( ko, arguments );
* returns a deep property from an object
* fails silently and returns null
* @example
* //get property "where.street"
* obj = {
* where: {
* street: "Some Street"
* }
* }
* @method getDeepProperty
* @param {String} property
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Any|null} property value
getDeepProperty: function( prop, obj ) {
var it, bits = prop.split( "." ), value = obj;
for ( var i = 0, l = bits.length; i < l; i++ ) {
it = bits[ i ];
if ( value.hasOwnProperty( it ) ) {
value = value[ bits[ i ] ];
} else {
value = null;
return value;
* multidimensional array comparison
* inspired by: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14853974/425226
* @method compareArrays
* @param array1
* @param array2
* @return {Boolean} true is they are identical
compareArrays: function( array1, array2 ) {
var me = this, it1, it2;
//check lengths
if ( array1.length !== array2.length ) {
return false;
for ( var i = 0, l = array1.length; i < l; i++ ) {
it1 = array1[ i ];
it2 = array2[ i ];
if ( typeof it1 !== typeof it2 ) {
return false;
} else {
if ( it1 instanceof Array && it2 instanceof Array ) {
if ( !me.compareArrays( it1, it2 ) ) {
return false;
} else if ( it1 !== it2 ) {
return false;
return true;
* overwrite properties in {obj1} with properties from {obj2} (mixin)
* @method overwrite
* @param obj1 {Object}
* @param obj2 {Object}
* @return {Object} obj1 mixed in with obj2
overwrite: function( obj1, obj2 ) {
var k;
//iterate over all properties in obj2
for ( k in obj2 ) {
if ( obj2.hasOwnProperty( k ) ) {
obj1[ k ] = obj2[ k ];
return obj1;
* unlike overwrite it does not overwrite any properties that are already in obj1
* @method copyover
* @param obj1 {Object}
* @param obj2 {Object}
* @return {Object} obj2 mixed in missing property into obj1
copyover: function( obj1, obj2 ) {
//iterate over all properties in obj2
var k;
for ( k in obj2 ) {
if ( obj2.hasOwnProperty( k ) && !obj1[ k ] ) {
obj1[ k ] = obj2[ k ];
return obj1;
* recursively iterate over prototypes and merge all the properties of an object together from its inherited parents for a specified property (name)
* @private
* @method merge
* @param propName {String} name of property to merge
* @param object {Object} object/class to iterate through
* @param a {Object} (optional) used when calling itself recursively
* @example
* merge("a", {a:{a:"s"},__proto__:{a:{a:1, b:2, c:3}}})
* //returns {a:{a:"s", b:2, c:3},__proto__:{a:{a:1, b:2, c:3}}}
* @return {Object} object : same object with property (name) merged
merge: function( propName, object, a ) {
var me = this, proto = Object.getPrototypeOf( a || object );
if ( proto.hasOwnProperty( propName ) ) {
var k, v, p = proto[ propName ];
for ( k in p ) {
if ( p.hasOwnProperty( k ) ) {
v = p[ k ];
if ( !( k in object[ propName ] ) ) {
object[ propName ][ k ] = v;
//mixin deeper (recursive)
me.merge( propName, object, proto );
} else if ( Object.getPrototypeOf( proto ) ) {
me.merge( propName, object, proto );
return object;
* Javascript setTimout function
* @example
* delay(function(){}, 1000, scope);
* @method delay
* @param callback {Function}
* @param timeout {Integer} miliseconds
* @param args {any} pass to delay function
* @param scope {Object} (optional) scope of the callback function. Defaults to: window
delay: function( callback, timeout, args, scope ) {
window.setTimeout( function( args1 ) {
callback.apply( scope || this, args1 );
}, timeout, args );
* clear the interval running by id
* @method clearInterval
* @param id {String}
clearInterval: function( id ) {
var me = this, func = me.intervalRegistry[ id ];
if ( func ) {
window.clearInterval( func.intId );
delete this.intervalRegistry[ id ];
* set an interval and prevent any duplicates
* @method setInterval
* @param id {String} (optional)
* @param callback {Function} - callback gets this.id, this.stop()
* @param timeout {Integer} miliseconds
* @param scope {Object} scope to apply to the callback
setInterval: function() {
var me = this, fArg = arguments[ 0 ], id = $.isFunction( fArg ) ? fArg.id : fArg, newId;
if ( !me.isIntervalRunning( id ) ) {
if ( $.isFunction( fArg ) ) {
newId = me._applyInterval( null, arguments[ 0 ], arguments[ 1 ], arguments[ 2 ] );
} else {
newId = me._applyInterval.apply( this, arguments );
return newId;
* use Firebrick.utils:setInterval()
* @method _applyInterval
* @private
* @param id {String} (optional)
* @param callback {Function}
* @param interval {Interger}
* @param scope {Object}
* @return id {String}
_applyInterval: function( id, callback, interval, scope ) {
var me = this;
id = id || me.uniqId();
var f = function() {
callback.id = id;
callback.stop = function() {
me.clearInterval( id );
callback.apply( scope || callback, arguments );
//start the interval
f.intId = window.setInterval( f, interval );
//register the interval function
me.intervalRegistry[ id ] = f;
//return the id
return id;
* Check whether interval already exists
* @method isIntervalRunning
* @param id {String}
* @return {Object} interval function
isIntervalRunning: function( id ) {
return !!this.intervalRegistry[ id ];
* @example
* var a = function(){
* //arguments are [["a"]]
* return stripArguments(arguments) //return ["a"]
* }
* var b = function(){
* return a(arguments); //note not called with apply
* }
* b("a")
* used to strip the arguments "array" inside an wrapper "array" - http://jsfiddle.net/smasala/ppdtLmag/
* @method stripArguments
* @param args {Object}
* @return {Object}
stripArguments: function( args ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( args ) && $.isNumeric( args.length ) && args.hasOwnProperty( "callee" ) ) {
//convert the arguments array back to a simple array
if ( args.length ) {
args = args[ 0 ];
return args;
* @method mergeArrays
* @param {Array | Argument Arrays} any number - ignores null
* @return {Array}
mergeArrays: function() {
var me = this, it, newArr = [], args = me.argsToArray( arguments );
for ( var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++ ) {
it = args[ i ];
if ( it !== null ) {
newArr = newArr.concat( me.stripArguments( it ) );
return newArr;
* convert arguments array to nomral array
* @method argsToArray
* @param args {Arguments Array}
* @return {Array}
argsToArray: function( args ) {
return Array.prototype.slice.call( args );
* Get a script/file from path
* @example
* require("MyApp.controller.MyController", function(){}, true, "html", "js");
* @method require
* @param name {String, Array of Strings} MyApp.controller.MyController
* @param callback {Function} (optional) called when last require has completed or failed
* @return {Array of Strings} the files that were eventually loaded
require: function( names, callback ) {
//if not defined, set an empty function as callback
callback = callback || function() {
//make sure names is an array
names = $.isArray( names ) ? names : [ names ];
//use requirejs to call the files
require( names, callback );
return names;
* used by getPathFromName
* @private
* @method _containerNS
* @return {String|Null}
_containsNS: function( name ) {
var ns = Firebrick._ns, it;
for ( var i = 0, l = ns.length; i < l; i++ ) {
it = ns[ i ];
//check if the appName is found at the beginning
if ( name.indexOf( ns[ i ] ) === 0 ) {
return ns[ i ];
return false;
* Converts a name like "MyApp.controller.MyController" to a path MyApp/controller/MyController.js
* @private
* @method getPathFromName
* @param name {String}
* @param ext {String} [default=''] extension
* @return {String}
getPathFromName: function( name, ext ) {
var me = this, it, appName = Firebrick.app && Firebrick.app.name || "", lookup = Firebrick.classes._lookup[ name ];
if ( lookup ) {
name = lookup;
ext = ext || "";
name = name.trim();
if ( name.indexOf( "." ) >= 0 ) {
it = me._containsNS( name );
if ( it ) {
name = name.replace( it, "" );
} else {
//remove appName from path
name = name.replace( appName, "" );
name = name.substr( 1 ); //remove first .
//replace all . with /
name = name.replace( /\./g, "/" ) + ( ext ? "." + ext : "" );
if ( it ) {
name = it + name;
return name;
return name;
* @property _globalC
* @private
_globalC: 1,
* returns a unique id: http://stackoverflow.com/a/19223188
* @method uniqId
* @return {String} unique id
uniqId: function() {
var me = this, d = new Date(), m = d.getMilliseconds() + "", u = ++d + m + ( ++me._globalC === 10000 ? ( me._globalC = 1 ) : me._globalC );
return u;
* load css file and append to HEAD
* @method loadCSS
* @param {String} url
loadCSS: function( url ) {
var link = document.createElement( "link" );
link.type = "text/css";
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = url;
document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[ 0 ].appendChild( link );
* @method firstToUpper
* @param str {String}
* @return {String} first character in string uppercase
firstToUpper: function( str ) {
return str.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + str.slice( 1 );
* @for Firebrick
* @class Languages
languages: {
* use get/setLang() to change the language
* @property lang
* @private
* @type {ko.observable}
* @default ko.observable("en")
lang: ko.observable( "en" ),
* store of keys ko.observale
* @private
* @property keys
* @type {ko.observable}
* @default ko.observable({})
keys: ko.observable( {} ),
* initial the language keys
* @example
* Firebrick.ready({lang:...}) //to set language
* @private
* @method
* @param lang {String, Store} string = url to load
init: function( lang ) {
var me = this;
if ( typeof lang === "string" ) {
Firebrick.createStore( {
url: lang,
autoLoad: false
} ).load( {
callback: function() {
me.keys( this.getData() );
} );
} else if ( lang.isStore ) {
me.keys( lang.getData() );
} else if ( $.isPlainObject ) {
me.keys( lang );
} else {
console.error( "unable to load languages", lang );
* get text by its key (case sensitive)
* @method getByKey
* @param key {String}
* @return {String}
getByKey: function( key ) {
var me = this, a;
key = $.isFunction( key ) ? key() : key;
a = me.keys()[ me.lang() ];
return a && a[ key ] ? ( $.isFunction( a[ key ] ) ? a[ key ]() : a[ key ] ) : key;
* set the app language
* @method setLang
* @param langKey {String}
setLang: function( langKey ) {
this.lang( langKey );
* get Lang as string
* @method getLang
* @return {String}
getLang: function() {
return this.lang();
* available langages
* @method allLanguages
* @return {Array of Strings} all possible languages
allLanguages: function() {
var me = this, langs = [], data = ko.mapping.toJS( me.keys ), l;
for ( l in data ) {
if ( data.hasOwnProperty( l ) ) {
langs.push( l );
return langs;
* @for Firebrick
* @class Events
events: {
* Event registry
* @private
* @property eventRegistry
* @type {Object} map
_eventRegistry: {},
* add a listener to a specific event by name
* @example
* addListener("myEvent", myFunction(){}, this);
* @example
* addListener({
"myEvent": function(){},
"event1, event2": function(){},
"mySecondEvent": function(){},
scope: this
* @method addListener
* @param eventName {String, Object}
* @param callback {Function}
* @param scope {Object} (optional) scope in which the listener is fired in
* @return {Function} the function with the assigned callbackId;
addListener: function( eventName, callback, scope ) {
var me = this, ev;
if ( $.isPlainObject( eventName ) ) {
return me._addListener( eventName );
if ( !callback.conf ) {
callback.conf = {};
callback.conf.callbackId = Firebrick.utils.uniqId();
} else {
//already registered
return callback;
callback.conf.scope = scope;
eventName = eventName.split( "," );
for ( var i = 0, l = eventName.length; i < l; i++ ) {
ev = eventName[ i ].trim();
if ( !me._eventRegistry[ ev ] ) {
//no listeners under this event name yet
me._eventRegistry[ ev ] = [];
me._eventRegistry[ ev ].push( callback );
return callback;
* Use Firebrick.events:addListeners
* @private
* @method _addListener
* @example
* addListeners_internal({
"myEvent": function(){},
"mySecondEvent": function(){},
scope: this
* @param {Object} object
_addListener: function( object ) {
var me = this, scope = object.scope, eventName;
delete object.scope;
for ( eventName in object ) {
if ( object.hasOwnProperty( eventName ) ) {
me.addListener( eventName, object[ eventName ], scope );
* remove listener by eventName and function
* @example
* removeListener("myEvent", function);
* @method removeListener
* @param eventName {String}
* @param funct {Function} (optional) if non given will remove all listeners for event
removeListener: function( eventName, funct ) {
var me = this, reg = me._eventRegistry[ eventName ], tmp;
//check if any events are found for the given eventName
if ( reg && reg.length ) {
//was a function passed as an argument?
if ( funct ) {
//does the function have a callbackId?
if ( funct.conf.callbackId ) {
//filter the event registry array
tmp = reg.filter( function( func ) {
//this is not the function that is to be removed
if ( func.conf.callbackId !== funct.conf.callbackId ) {
return true;
//this is the function that should be removed
return false;
} );
//all functions were removed
if ( tmp.length === 0 ) {
//remove the event registry
delete me._eventRegistry[ eventName ];
} else {
//replace the registry with the filtered results
me._eventRegistry[ eventName ] = tmp;
} else {
console.warn( "No callbackId for function whilst trying to remove listener" );
} else {
delete me._eventRegistry[ eventName ];
} else {
console.warn( "Unable to remove listener. No events found for:", eventName );
* Fire an event by name
* @example
* fireEvent("eventToFire", 1, "test", false);
* @method fireEvent
* @param eventName {String}
* @param arguments {Any...} arguments passed to event when fired
fireEvent: function( eventName ) {
var me = this, reg = me._eventRegistry[ eventName ], args, ev, eventObject = me._initEventObject( eventName );
if ( reg ) {
//get the argument from this function call
args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );
ev = me.createEventData( eventName ); //create an event object to pass to the function argument
args.shift(); //remove the eventName from argument
for ( var i = 0, l = reg.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var f = reg[ i ];
//copy the function config created by addListener into the event argument and the function itself
ev.conf = f.conf;
ev.funct = f;
//place the event object as the first item in arguments list
args.unshift( ev );
//add event object to stop
f.event = eventObject;
//call the event with the new arguments
f.apply( f.conf.scope || window, args );
return eventObject;
* this object is passed to all fireEvent listeners
* @method _initEventObject
* @private
* @param name {String} event name
* @return {Object}
_initEventObject: function( name ) {
return {
eventName: name,
preventDefault: false,
data: null
* creates the event object to be passed as argument when event is fired
* @method createEventData
* @private
* @param eventName {String}
* @return {Object} event object
createEventData: function( eventName ) {
var me = this, ev = {
event: eventName,
conf: null,
* removes the listener it called from within
* @example
* @method removeSelf
* event.removeSelf();
removeSelf: function() {
me.removeListener( eventName, ev.funct );
return ev;
* Define events and their callbacks, similar to $(selector).on(eventname, callback)
* @example
* on("click", "a.mylink", function(){}, newScope)
* @example
* on({
"a, button":{
click: function(){}
* @method on
* @param eventName {String, Object} string = same as jquery selector(s)
* @param selector {String} (optional) use if first arg is not an object
* @param callback {Function} (optional) use if first arg is not an object
* @param scope {Object} (optional) change scope on callback function use if first arg is not an object
on: function( eventName, selector, callback, scope ) {
var me = this;
//if the eventName is an object
if ( $.isPlainObject( eventName ) ) {
return me._on( eventName );
//register single event
return me._registerOnEvent( eventName, selector, callback, scope );
* Makes use of the jQuery .off() function
* @example
* off( "click", "#theone", function(){} )
* @method
* @param selector {String}
* @param eventName {String}
* @param callback {Function} the function used in on()
off: function( eventName, selector, callback ) {
if ( callback.offFunc ) {
$( document ).off( eventName, selector, callback.offFunc );
* use Firebrick.events:on
* @example
* _on({
"a, button": {
click: function(){}
* @method _on
* @param {Object} object
* @private
_on: function( object ) {
var me = this, scope = object.scope, selector, eventName, events;
delete object.scope;
for ( selector in object ) {
if ( object.hasOwnProperty( selector ) ) {
events = object[ selector ];
for ( eventName in events ) {
if ( events.hasOwnProperty( eventName ) ) {
me._registerOnEvent( eventName, selector, events[ eventName ], scope );
* use Firebrick.events:on
* @method _registerOnEvent
* @private
_registerOnEvent: function( eventName, selector, callback, scope ) {
var func = function() {
//add scope as last argument, just in case the scope of the function is changed
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );
args.push( this );
this.destroy = function() {
Firebrick.events.off( eventName, selector, callback );
callback.apply( scope || this, args );
//needed for off() - set outside function, in case the event is called before it is fired
callback.offFunc = func;
eventName = eventName.split( "," ); //convert to array
for ( var i = 0, l = eventName.length; i < l; i++ ) {
$( document ).on( eventName[ i ].trim(), selector, func );
* @for Firebrick
* @class Data
data: {
* @for Data
* @namespace Data
* @class Store
store: {
* creates a new Firebrick.store.Base store to be used OR if a name and config are supplied, then Firebrick.create() is called
* @example
* //creates a new class Firebrick.store.Base to be used
* createStore({
* @example
* createStore("MyApp.store.MyStore", {}); //Firebrick.create() is called
* @example
* createStore() //returns a Store class to be used
* @method createStore
* @param name {String} if string, then Firebrick:create is called
* @param config {Object} data to config the class with - called in conjuction when name is set
* @return {Object} Firebrick.store.Base
createStore: function( name, config ) {
var me = this;
//name is a string - hence the user is looking to create an actual defined store
if ( typeof name === "string" ) {
//return the created class
var clazz = Firebrick.get( name );
if ( clazz ) {
clazz = Firebrick.classes.extend( config, clazz );
} else {
config = me._basicStoreConfigurations( config );
clazz = Firebrick.create( name, config );
return clazz;
} else {
//only 1 parameter in this case, name is then config.
config = name || {};
config = me._basicStoreConfigurations( config );
name = "tmp-" + Firebrick.utils.uniqId();
config._fbTmpClass = true;
//return a new object based on the Base class
return Firebrick.create( name, config );
* Basic view configurations when defining/creating a view
* @private
* @method _basicStoreConfigurations
* @param config {Object} (optional)
* @return {Object}
_basicStoreConfigurations: function( config ) {
config = config || {};
if ( !config.extend ) {
config.extend = "Firebrick.store.Base";
return config;
* Used by Firebrick.store.Base:load
* @private
* @method _loadStore
* @param store {Object} Firebrick.store.Base object
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Boolean} options.async [default=store.async]
* @param {Function} options.callback [store, jsonObject, status, response]
* @param {Function} options.error [response, error, errorMessage]
* @param {Object} options.scope
* @return {Object} store
_loadStore: function( store, options ) {
var url = store.url, async, ajaxData;
options = options || {};
async = options.async;
if ( $.isFunction( options ) ) {
//a single argument was passed and that was a function (callback)
options = {
callback: options
if ( typeof async !== "boolean" ) {
async = store.async;
if ( $.isPlainObject( url ) ) {
url = url.get;
store.status = "preload";
ajaxData = options.params || store.params;
$.ajax( {
dataType: store.dataType,
type: store.loadProtocol,
async: async,
url: store.getUrl(),
data: store.stringifyData ? {
data: JSON.stringify( ajaxData )
} : ajaxData,
success: function( jsonObject, status, response ) {
store.setData( jsonObject );
store.status = status;
if ( $.isFunction( options.callback ) ) {
options.callback.call( options.scope || store, jsonObject, status, response );
store.fireEvent( "error", jsonObject, status, response );
error: function( response, error, errorMessage ) {
if ( $.isFunction( options.error ) ) {
options.error.call( options.scope || store, response, error, errorMessage );
} else {
console.warn( "unable to load store '", store._classname, "' with path:", store.url );
console.error( response, error, errorMessage );
store.fireEvent( "error", response, error, errorMessage );
complete: function( response, success ) {
store.fireEvent( "complete", response, success );
} );
return store;
* Submit the given store with its data to the specified url
* @private
* @method _submit
* @param store {Object} //Firebricks.store.Base class
* @param callback {Function} (optional) function to call on store submission success
* @return {Object} store
_submit: function( store, callback ) {
var ajaxData;
if ( store && store.url && store.url.submit ) {
store.status = "presubmit";
ajaxData = store.toPlainObject();
$.ajax( {
url: store.getUrl( "submit" ),
data: store.stringifyData ? {
data: JSON.stringify( ajaxData )
} : ajaxData,
type: store.submitProtocol,
beforeSend: function() {
return store.fireEvent( "beforeSubmit", store, ajaxData );
success: function( data, status ) {
store.status = status;
if ( callback ) {
callback.apply( store, arguments );
error: function( response, error, errorMessage ) {
console.error( "error submitting data for store to url", store.url.submit, store );
console.error( response, error, errorMessage );
} );
} else {
console.error( "unable to submit store, no submit path found (url.submit)", store );
return store;
* @for Firebrick
* @class Router
router: {
* @property _routes
* @private
* @type {Array}
* @default []
_routes: {},
* convert route urls to regex
* @method _convertToRegex
* @param routes {Object Map}
* @private
* @return {Object}
_convertToRegex: function( routes ) {
var regRoutes = {}, map, regex;
//example url: /users/:surname/:age
for ( var key in routes ) {
if ( routes.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
map = routes[ key ];
regex = key;
* replace all * with the correct regex thanks
* to:
* http://stackoverflow.com/a/15275806/425226
regex = regex.replace( "*", ".*?" );
* convert all : params in url with regex
* /users/:surname/:age =>
* /users/[a-z0-9._-]+/[a-z0-9._-]+
regex = regex.replace( /:[a-z0-9._-]*/ig, "[a-z0-9._-]+" );
* /users/[a-z0-9._-]+/[a-z0-9._-]+ =>
* ^\/users\/[a-z0-9._-]+\/[a-z0-9._-]+$
regex = "^" + regex.replace( /\//g, "\\/" ) + "$";
if ( $.isFunction( map ) ) {
map = {
callback: map
map.path = key; //original path as defined by set()
regRoutes[ regex ] = map;
return regRoutes;
* @method _set
* @private
* @param routes {Object Map}
_set: function( routes ) {
var me = this;
if ( $.isFunction( routes ) ) {
//convert to object
routes = {
"*": routes
if ( $.isPlainObject( routes ) ) {
Firebrick.router._routes = Firebrick.utils.overwrite( Firebrick.router._routes, me._convertToRegex( routes ) );
} else {
console.error( "incorrect routes", routes );
return routes;
* @method match
* @param href {String}
* @return match or null
match: function( href ) {
var me = this, routes = me._routes, url = href, hashPos = href.indexOf( "#" ), urlParams = href.indexOf( "?" ), hash = hashPos >= 0 ? href
.substr( hashPos ) : null, match = null;
//following only valid when history api active
if ( me.history._initialised && hash ) {
href = href.substr( 0, hashPos );
if ( urlParams !== -1 ) {
href = href.substr( 0, urlParams );
for ( var key in routes ) {
if ( routes.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
match = href.match( new RegExp( key, "i" ) );
if ( match ) {
match = routes[ key ];
if ( match ) {
match.originalUrl = url;
return match;
* @method _getParamsForMatch
* @private
* @param match {Object} return of me.match()
* @return {{map:{}, arr:[]}|Null}
_getParamsForMatch: function( match ) {
var url,
params = {
map: {},
arr: []
if ( match ) {
end = match.originalUrl.indexOf( "?" );
end = end > 0 ? end : match.originalUrl.length;
url = match.originalUrl.substr( 0, end );
matchUrl = match.path.split( "/" );
url = url.replace( window.location.origin, "" );
url = url.split( "/" );
for ( var i = 0, l = matchUrl.length; i < l; i++ ) {
it = matchUrl[ i ];
if ( it.indexOf( ":" ) === 0 ) {
val = url[ i ];
params.map[ it.substr( 1 ) ] = val;
params.arr.push( val );
return params;
_defaults: function() {
var me = this, route = me.getRoute(), hash = route.hashbang ? route.parameters.scrollTo : route.hash;
if ( hash ) {
me.scrollTo( hash );
* checks the callback function to see whether the parameter _defaults was declared for the function
* @method _hasParameterDefined
* @private
* @param callback {Function}
* @return {Boolean}
_hasParameterDefined: function( callback ) {
return callback.toString().match( /function *\( *[\D\d,]*(_defaults)/ ) ? true : false;
* this function checks whether the callback has the method _defaults declared are a paramter.
* if not: the _defaults method is called after the callback is fired
* if yes: the _defaults method is passed to the callback as an argument, which must then be manually called
* used by callRoute()
* @method _routeCallback
* @private
_routeCallback: function( callback, args ) {
var me = this, res = true, dDefined, argsArr = [];
if ( callback ) {
dDefined = me._hasParameterDefined( callback );
if ( !args.length ) {
args = [];
if ( dDefined ) {
args[ 0 ] = Firebrick.utils.mergeArrays( args[ 0 ], [ me._defaults.bind( me ) ] );
for ( var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++ ) {
argsArr = Firebrick.utils.mergeArrays( argsArr, args[ i ] );
res = callback.apply( me, argsArr );
if ( !dDefined && res !== false ) {
* @method callRoute
* @param url {String}
* @param args {Arguments Array}
callRoute: function( url, args ) {
var me = this, deps, callback, params, match;
match = me.match( url ) || me.match( "404" );
if ( match ) {
params = me._getParamsForMatch( match ).arr || [];
//are dependencies required to run this pattern
if ( $.isPlainObject( match ) && match.require ) {
deps = match.require;
if ( !$.isArray( deps ) ) {
deps = [ deps ]; //convert to array if needed
require( deps, function() {
//check if pattern has a callback and fire
me._routeCallback( match.callback, [ params, arguments, args ] );
} );
} else {
//no dependencies - just fire the callback
//if object configuration
if ( $.isPlainObject( match ) ) {
callback = match.callback;
} else {
//not object just a function defined
callback = match;
me._routeCallback( callback, [ params, args ] );
* @method scrollTo
* @param target {String} jquery selector
scrollTo: function( target ) {
var offset = Firebrick.scrollTopOffset, scrollContainer = $( Firebrick.scrollContainerSelector );
if ( $.isFunction( offset ) ) {
offset = offset( target );
if ( target ) {
target = $( target );
if ( target.length ) {
scrollContainer.animate( {
scrollTop: target.offset().top - offset + scrollContainer.scrollTop()
}, {
duration: 1000,
complete: function() {
} );
* @for Router
* @namespace Router
* @class History
history: {
* used to see whether document events for the history API have already been set
* @property _initialised
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
_initialised: false,
* set route definitions
* @example
* Firebrick.router.set({
* "users/abc": {
* require:["file1", "file2"],
* callback: function(){}
* },
* "contact": function(){}
* defaults: function(){} //defaults pattern - fallback
* })
* @example
* Firebrick.router.set(function(){}) //call function regardless of route
* @method set
* @param routes {Object|Function} - if function then the function is called regardless of route
* @return routes function
set: function( routes ) {
var me = this;
if ( !me._initialised ) {
//mark as set
me._initialised = true;
return Firebrick.router._set( routes );
* used by init
* @method _registerLinkEvent
* @private
_registerLinkEvent: function() {
var me = this, origin = Firebrick.router.getRoute().origin;
$( document ).on( "click", "a[href]:not([fb-ignore-router]):not([target]):not()", function( event ) {
var $this = $( this ), href = $this.attr( "href" ), external = ( href.indexOf( "http" ) === 0 && href.indexOf( origin ) === -1 ), //whether the link is external or internal
js = href.indexOf( "javascript:" ) >= 0; //jshint ignore:line
if ( !external && !js ) {
me.location( href, arguments );
} );
* similar to window.location
* @method location
* @param url
* @param args {Any Array} - optional - use to pass arguments to callRoute
location: function( url, args ) {
var hash = url.indexOf( "#" ) === 0, eventObj = Firebrick.fireEvent( "router.pre.pushState", url );
if ( eventObj.preventDefault !== true ) {
window.history.pushState( url, "", url );
if ( hash ) {
if ( url !== "#" ) {
//more than just the has symbol
Firebrick.router.scrollTo( url );
} else {
Firebrick.router.callRoute( url, args );
Firebrick.fireEvent( "router.post.pushState", url );
* @method _registerPopEvent
* @private
_registerPopEvent: function() {
window.addEventListener( "popstate", function( popState ) {
var pState = popState.state, eObj = Firebrick.fireEvent( "router.pre.popState", popState );
if ( eObj.preventDefault !== true ) {
if ( typeof pState === "string" ) {
Firebrick.router.callRoute( pState, arguments );
Firebrick.fireEvent( "router.post.popState", pState );
} else {
console.warn( "undefined popstate", pState );
} );
* @for Router
* @namespace Router
* @class Hashbang
hashbang: {
* used to see whether document events for the history API have already been set
* @property _initialised
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
_initialised: false,
* set route definitions
* @example
* Firebrick.router.set({
* "users/abc": {
* require:["file1", "file2"],
* callback: function(){}
* },
* "contact": function(){}
* defaults: function(){} //defaults pattern - fallback
* })
* @example
* Firebrick.router.set(function(){}) //call function regardless of route
* @method set
* @param routes {Object|Function} - if function then the function is called regardless of route
set: function( routes ) {
var me = this;
Firebrick.router._set( routes );
if ( !me._initialised ) {
me._initialised = true;
* Call a function when the hash changes on the site
* use Firebrick.route:set
* @example
//something happens
* @private
* @method onHashChange
* @param callback {Function}
* @param config {Object} config that was used for this callback - optional
* @return {Object} jQuery object
onHashChange: function( callback, config ) {
return $( window ).on( "hashchange", function() {
var eObj = Firebrick.fireEvent( "router.pre.hashbang", config, arguments );
if ( eObj.preventDefault !== true ) {
Firebrick.router.callRoute( Firebrick.router.getRoute().path, arguments );
Firebrick.fireEvent( "router.post.hashbang", config, arguments );
} );
* call this after setting router.set({}) if you wish to do an immediate evaulation of url
* @method init
init: function() {
Firebrick.router.callRoute( Firebrick.router.getRoute().path );
* Check whether the url matches a pattern - removes any parameters in the url to check for a match
* @example
* Firebrick.router.is("#/completed") // returns true or false
* @example
* Firebrick.router.is("/completed") // returns true or false
* @method is
* @param pattern {String}
* @return {Boolean}
is: function( pattern ) {
var me = this, route = me.getRoute(), path = route.cleanHash; //without parameters
if ( path ) {
return path === pattern;
return route.path === pattern;
* @method getRoute
* @return {Object} {
* href: "http://localhost/#/mypath/dayone?user=1",
* origin: "http://localhost"
* path: "/#/mypath/dayone?user=1", // (href - origin)
* cleanPath: "/mypath/dayone", //non hash routes
* hash: "#/mypath/dayone?user=1", //window.location.hash
* cleanHash: "#/mypath/dayone"
* parameters:{} //url parameter as object
* }
getRoute: function() {
var me = this,
location = window.location,
path = location.href.replace( location.origin, "" ),
hash = location.hash,
pPos = hash.indexOf( "?" ),
pPos1 = path.indexOf( "?" ), //paramter position
cleanPath = path,
urlParams = me._getParamsForMatch( me.match( location.href ) );
if ( hash ) {
cleanPath = path.replace( hash, "" );
if ( pPos1 !== -1 ) {
cleanPath = path.substr( 0, pPos1 );
return {
href: location.href,
origin: location.origin,
path: path,
cleanPath: cleanPath,
hash: hash,
cleanHash: pPos !== -1 ? hash.substr( 0, pPos ) : hash,
parameters: me.getUrlParam( path ),
urlParameters: urlParams ? urlParams.map : {},
hashbang: me.hashbang._initialised
* adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/1099670/425226
* @method getUrlParam
* @param url {String} /#/mypath/dayone?user=1&name=fred
getUrlParam: function( url ) {
var qs = url, params = {}, tokens, re = /[?&]?([^=]+)=([^&]*)/g;
qs = qs.substr( qs.indexOf( "?" ) + 1, qs.length );
qs = qs.split( "+" ).join( " " );
while ( ( tokens = re.exec( qs ) ) ) {
params[ decodeURIComponent( tokens[ 1 ] ) ] = decodeURIComponent( tokens[ 2 ] );
return params;
* @class class.Base
* @module Firebrick.class
Firebrick.define( "Firebrick.class.Base", {
* when calling Firebrick.create("xxx", {});
* the second parameter {} (config) is stored in this property as a reference
* - in case one needs to know with what paramters the object was intialised with
* @property initialConfig
* @type {Object}
* @default null
initialConfig: null,
* create a copy of the listener for each class
* @private
* @method _cloneListener
* @param {Function} function
* @return {Function}
_cloneListener: function( func ) {
return function() {
return func.apply( this, arguments );
* use this give the class a shortname to reference
* Firebrick.get(sname) is also possible if this property is defined
* @property sName
* @type {String}
* @default null
sName: null,
* @method init
* @return self
init: function() {
//inits of all inits :)
var me = this, k, v, a = {};
if ( me.listeners ) {
Firebrick.utils.merge( "listeners", me );
for ( k in me.listeners ) {
if ( me.listeners.hasOwnProperty( k ) ) {
v = me.listeners[ k ];
if ( $.isFunction( v ) ) {
//create a copy of the function - otherwise the all mixins point to the same function
a[ k ] = me._cloneListener( v, k );
me.listeners = a;
me.on( me.listeners );
me.fireEvent( me.classReadyEvent );
return me;
* @property classReadyEvent
* @type {String}
* @default "ready"
classReadyEvent: "ready",
* controls which data will be destoryed
* @property autoDestroy
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
autoDestroy: true,
* @property mixins
* @type {String|Object|[String]}
* @default null
mixins: null,
* reference for mixins that have been mixed in.
* works only if "mixins" is a String or array or strings
* @property mixedIn
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @default: null
_mixins: null,
* @private
* @property _idPrefix
* @type {String}
_idPrefix: "fb-",
* use Firebrick.class.Base:getId
* @private
* @property id
* @type {String}
id: null,
* event registry
* @private
* @property localEventRegistry
* @type {Object} map
localEventRegistry: null,
* @method getId
* @return {String} uniqueId
getId: function() {
var me = this, id = me.id;
if ( !id ) {
//generate an id if it doesnt have one already
id = me._idPrefix + Firebrick.utils.uniqId();
me.id = id;
return id;
* remove class from registry
* @method destroy
* @event destroy
destroy: function() {
var me = this;
me.fireEvent( "destroy" );
Firebrick.classes.removeClass( me );
* shorthand for defining class listeners so you don't have to create the init function and use this.on()
* @example
* listeners:{
* "ready": function(){},
* scope:this
* }
* @property listeners
* @type {Object} map
listeners: null,
* use .on()
* @method _addEvent
* @private
* @param eventName {String} singular or comma separated
* @param funct {Function}
* @param scope
_addEvent: function( eventName, func, scope ) {
var me = this, eName;
eventName = eventName.split( "," ); //convert to array
for ( var i = 0, l = eventName.length; i < l; i++ ) {
eName = eventName[ i ].trim();
//init the registry
if ( !me.localEventRegistry[ eName ] ) {
me.localEventRegistry[ eName ] = [];
//give the function an id
func.id = Firebrick.utils.uniqId();
if ( scope ) {
//add the scope if needed
func.scope = scope;
me.localEventRegistry[ eName ].push( func );
* register a listener to this object class, when the object fires a specific event
* @example
* on("someEvent", callback)
* @example
* on({
* "someevent": callback, //comma separate event names for the same callback
* "someotherevent": callback1,
* scope: this
* })
* @method on
* @param eventName {String}
* @param callback {Function}
* @param scope {Object} (optional)
* @return {Object} self
on: function( eventName, callback, scope ) {
var me = this;
if ( !me.localEventRegistry ) {
me.localEventRegistry = {};
if ( $.isPlainObject( eventName ) ) {
//first argument is an object
scope = scope || eventName.scope || me;
delete eventName.scope;
for ( var k in eventName ) {
if ( eventName.hasOwnProperty( k ) ) {
me._addEvent( k, eventName[ k ], scope );
} else {
//just add the event
me._addEvent( eventName, callback, ( scope || me ) );
return me;
* remove a listener that was registered with .on()
* @method off
* @param eventName {String}
* @param callback {Function} the function that was used when registering the event with .on()
* @return {Object}
off: function( eventName, callback ) {
var me = this, func;
if ( me.localEventRegistry && me.localEventRegistry[ eventName ] ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = me.localEventRegistry[ eventName ].length; i < l; i++ ) {
func = me.localEventRegistry[ eventName ][ i ];
if ( func.id === callback.id ) {
//delete listeners from array
me.localEventRegistry[ eventName ].splice( i, 1 );
return me;
* Fire an event on this object
* @method fireEvent
* @param eventName {String} name of the event to fire
* @param args {Any...} (optional)
* @return {Object} eventObject
fireEvent: function() {
var me = this, events = me.localEventRegistry, args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ), eventName = args[ 0 ], //get first argument - i.e. the event name
func, eObj, scope, eventObject = Firebrick.events._initEventObject( eventName );
if ( events && events[ eventName ] ) {
//remove event name from arguments
args.splice( 0, 1 );
eObj = events[ eventName ];
for ( var i = 0, l = eObj.length; i < l; i++ ) {
func = eObj[ i ];
//TODO: ugly, change this - check firebrick ui
if ( !func.__isDestroyed ) {
scope = func.scope || func;
scope.event = eventObject;
func.apply( scope, args );
return eventObject;
} );
* Extends {{#crossLink Firebrick.class.Base}}{{/crossLink}}
* @extends class.Base
* @class view.Base
.define( "Firebrick.view.Base", {
extend: "Firebrick.class.Base",
* set when the view is loaded by the ajax request
* @property tpl
* @type {String}
* @default ""
tpl: "",
* bind a store or plain data to the view
* @property store
* @type {String|Store Object}
* @default null
store: null,
* parsed html using the tpl and data
* @property html
* @type {String} html
* @default ""
html: "",
* Target to which to render the html content
* @property target
* @type {String|Object} jquery selector || jquery object
* @default null
target: null,
* render the view on class creation
* @property autoRender
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
autoRender: true,
* controller to bind to the view
* @property controller
* @type {String|Object} name of the controller || controller class itself
* @default null
controller: null,
* loading template - loaded into target is showLoading == true
* @property loadingTpl
* @type {String}
* @default Firebrick.templates:loadingTpl
loadingTpl: Firebrick.templates.loadingTpl,
* whether the loader is being shown or not
* @private
* @property loading
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
loading: false,
* whether to show that the view is loading
* @property showLoading
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
showLoading: true,
* State the view is current in. "initial", "rendered", "unbound", "destroyed"
* @property _state
* @type {String}
* @private
* @default "initial"
_state: "initial",
* bindings are applied to its decendants, not on the target itself
* @property applyBindingsToDescendants
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
applyBindingsToDescendants: false,
* wrap the view inside its own div which gets bound separatly to its context
* @property enclosedBind
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
enclosedBind: false,
* define subviews to load after creation of this view
* @example
* subViews: MyApp.view.MyView
* @example
* subViews: ["MyApp.view.MyView", "MyApp.view.MyView1"]
* @example
* subViews: Firebrick.defineView(...)
* @example
* subViews: [Firebrick.defineView(...), Firebrick.defineView(...)]
* @property subViews
* @type {String|Array of Strings|Object|Array of Objects}
subViews: null,
* boolean whether class is view
* @property isView
* @private
* @type {Boolean}
isView: true,
* whether or not the template is to load asyncronously
* @property async
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
async: true,
* @property animations
* @type {$.show() Arguments}
* @default null
animations: null,
* whether to append or overwrite the content of the target
* @property appendTarget
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
appendTarget: false,
* custom attribute to add to the element to mark as bound
* @property bindAttribute
* @type {String}
* @default "fb-view-bind"
bindAttribute: "fb-view-bind",
* @property enclosedBindIdPrefix
* @type {String}
* @default "fb-enclosed-bind-"
enclosedBindIdPrefix: "fb-enclosed-bind-",
* @private
* @method _init
* @param callback {Function}
_init: function( callback ) {
var me = this, url;
if ( me.autoRender ) {
//get the view
if ( !me.tpl ) {
url = require.toUrl( Firebrick.utils.getPathFromName( me._classname, "html" ) );
require( [ "text!" + url ], function( tpl ) {
//save the template
me.tpl = tpl;
} );
} else {
if ( $.isFunction( me.tpl ) ) {
me.tpl = me.tpl();
return me;
* Called on creation
* @method init
init: function() {
var me = this, classReadyEvent = me.classReadyEvent;
//overwrite the original event
me.classReadyEvent = "base";
me.on( me.classReadyEvent, function() {
me._init( function() {
//check the data of the view is in the correct format
//parse html with data
//fire original event
me.fireEvent( classReadyEvent );
} );
} );
return me.callParent( arguments );
* Returns the store linked to the view
* @method getStore
getStore: function() {
return this.store;
* Returns data store data as object
* @method getData
* @return {Object}
getData: function() {
var me = this, store = me.getStore();
return store ? store.getData() : {};
* Construct the view with template and data binding
* @method initView
* @return {Object} self
initView: function() {
var me = this;
me._html = me.tpl;
if ( me.autoRender && me.getTarget() ) {
return me;
* @private
* @method initSubViews
initSubViews: function() {
return Firebrick.views.initSubViews( this );
* @method getTarget
* @return {Object|Null} jquery object
getTarget: function() {
var me = this;
return Firebrick.views.getTarget( me.target );
* has data been bound to the target by THIS view
* @method isTargetBound
* @return {Boolean}
isBound: function() {
return this._isBound( true );
* has data been bound to the target by A|ANY view
* @method isTargetBound
* @return {Boolean}
isTargetBound: function() {
return this._isBound();
* has the data been bound
* @method _isBound
* @private
* @param checkId {Boolean} [default=false] optional - if true it will also check that the target it bound with the current view and not just generally bound to
* @return {Boolean}
_isBound: function( checkId ) {
var me = this, target = me.enclosedBind ? me.getEnclosedTarget() : me.getTarget();
if ( target && target.length && target.attr( "fb-view-bind" ) ) {
if ( checkId ) {
if ( target.attr( "fb-view-bind" ) === me.getId() ) {
//target is bound and with this view
return true;
} else {
//target is bound and NOT with this view
return false;
//target is bound
return true;
//target is not bound
return false;
* unbind and remove from DOM
* @method detroy
* @return {Object} self
destroy: function() {
var me = this;
me._state = "destroyed";
return me.callParent( arguments );
* @method getEnclosedBindId
* @return {String}
getEnclosedBindId: function() {
var me = this;
return me.enclosedBindIdPrefix + me.getId();
* remove from dom
* @method remove
* @return self {Object}
remove: function() {
var me = this, t = me.enclosedBind ? Firebrick.views.getTarget( "#" + me.getEnclosedBindId() ) : me.getTarget();
if ( t ) {
//jquery remove dom
if ( me.applyBindingsToDescendants || me.enclosedBind ) {
t.remove(); //removes itself
} else {
t.empty(); //empties content
//more info on remove vs empty - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3090662/jquery-empty-vs-remove
return me;
* unbind the data from this view
* @method unbind
* @return self {Object}
unbind: function() {
var me = this, target = me.enclosedBind ? Firebrick.views.getTarget( "#" + me.getEnclosedBindId() ) : me
.getTarget(), el;
if ( me.isTargetBound() ) {
el = target[ 0 ];
ko.cleanNode( el );
target.removeAttr( me.bindAttribute );
target.removeProp( me.bindAttribute );
return me;
* @method getEnclosedTarget
* @return {jQuery Object|Null}
getEnclosedTarget: function() {
return Firebrick.views.getTarget( "#" + this.getEnclosedBindId() );
* prepare the HTML for rendering
* @method prepHtml
* @return {String} html
prepHtml: function() {
var me = this, enclosedTarget, html = me._html;
//does the html content need to be wrapped?
if ( me.enclosedBind ) {
enclosedTarget = me.getEnclosedTarget();
//has this already been done before?
if ( !enclosedTarget ) {
//if there is no enclosing wrapper - then create one
//create a div template and insert the html into that div
html = $( '<div id="' + me.getEnclosedBindId() + '"></div>' ).html( html );
return html;
* @method _renderHTML
* @private
* @param {String} html
* @return {Object} self
_renderHTML: function() {
var me = this, target = me.getTarget(), appendTarget = me.appendTarget, animations = me.animations, html, enclosedTarget;
//prepare the HTML for rendering
html = me.prepHtml();
//should content be enclosed in its own binding context
if ( me.enclosedBind ) {
enclosedTarget = me.getEnclosedTarget();
//check if a enclosedTarget already exists
if ( enclosedTarget ) {
target = enclosedTarget;
appendTarget = false;
me._render( target, html, appendTarget, animations );
me.fireEvent( "htmlRendered" );
return me;
* @method _render
* @private
* @param those of Firebrick.views.renderTo
_render: function() {
return Firebrick.views.renderTo.apply( Firebrick.views, arguments );
* @method bindContent
bindContent: function() {
var me = this, data = me.getData(), target = me.getTarget(), el = target[ 0 ];
if ( me.enclosedBind ) {
//enclosed bind is needed so update variables with correct values
target = me.getEnclosedTarget();
el = target[ 0 ];
//add FB related bind attribute to mark it as bound
target.attr( me.bindAttribute, true );
target.prop( me.bindAttribute, me );
//apply data bindings
if ( me.applyBindingsToDescendants ) {
ko.applyBindingsToDescendants( data, el );
} else {
ko.applyBindings( data, el );
//set dispose callback (destory|unbind)
me.setDisposeCallback( el );
* Called by view.Base:render()
* @method bind
bind: function() {
var me = this, target = me.getTarget();
if ( !me.isTargetBound() ) {
//set view state
me._state = "rendered";
me.fireEvent( "rendered", me );
} else {
console.info( "target or bindTarget where not found, unable to render and bind the data", target );
* Calls renderTo without parameters
* @method render
* @return {Object} self
render: function() {
var me = this, target = me.getTarget();
if ( target ) {
me.fireEvent( "beforeRender", me );
} else {
console.warn( "unable to render, no target found for", me.target, this );
return me;
* @method setDisposeCallback
* @param el {HTMLElement}
setDisposeCallback: function( el ) {
var me = this;
ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback( el, function( el ) {
var view = $( el ).prop( me.bindAttribute );//Firebrick.getById( $(el).attr( me.bindAttribute ) );
} );
* called by view.Base:setDisposeCallback
* @private
* @method unbound
unbound: function() {
var me = this, store = me.getStore();
me._state = "unbound";
if ( me.autoDestroy ) {
if ( store ) {
store.fireEvent( "unbound", me );
me.store = null;
me.fireEvent( "unbound", me );
* show target view.Base:getTarget
* @method show
show: function() {
var me = this, t = me.getTarget();
if ( t ) {
* hide target view.Base:getTarget
* @method hide
hide: function() {
var me = this, t = me.getTarget();
if ( t ) {
* @method isVisible
isVisible: function() {
var me = this, t = me.getTarget();
if ( t ) {
return t.is( ":visible" );
return false;
* Converts View data into a Store if not already done
* @private
* @method initStore
* @param {Object} Firebrick.view.Base object
* @return {Object} self
initStore: function() {
var me = this;
me.store = me.store;
if ( me.store && !me.store.isStore ) {
me.store = Firebrick.createStore( {
data: me.store
} );
return me;
* update the view with new data
* @method update
* @param data {Object} extra data you wish to pass to the view
* @return {Object} self
update: function( data ) {
var me = this;
me.getStore().setData( data );
return me;
* @method startLoader
* @private
startLoader: function() {
var me = this, t = me.getTarget();
if ( t && !me.loading ) {
me.loading = true;
Firebrick.delay( function() {
//if still loading...
if ( me.loading ) {
t.before( "<div id='fb-loader-" + me.getId() + "'>" + me.loadingTpl + "</div>" );
}, 1 );
* @method stopLoader
* @private
stopLoader: function() {
var me = this;
if ( me.loading ) {
$( "#fb-loader-" + me.getId() ).remove();
me.loading = false;
} );
* Extends {{#crossLink Firebrick.class.Base}}{{/crossLink}}
* @extends class.Base
* @class controller.Base
Firebrick.define( "Firebrick.controller.Base", {
extend: "Firebrick.class.Base",
* Called on creation
* @method init
init: function() {
return this.callParent( arguments );
* @property app
* @type {Object}
* @example
* controller.app.on(...)
* controller.app.listeners(...)
app: {
* see Firebrick.events:on
* @property on
* @type {Function}
on: function() {
return Firebrick.events.on.apply( Firebrick.events, arguments );
* see Firebrick.events:addListener
* @property listeners
* @type {Function}
listeners: function() {
return Firebrick.events.addListener.apply( Firebrick.events, arguments );
} );
* Extends {{#crossLink Firebrick.class.Base}}{{/crossLink}}
* @extends class.Base
* @class store.Base
Firebrick.define( "Firebrick.store.Base", {
extend: "Firebrick.class.Base",
* Called on creation
* @method init
init: function() {
var me = this;
if ( !me.dataInitialised ) {
if ( me.autoLoad ) {
} else {
if ( me.data ) {
me.setData( me.data );
if ( me.autoDestroy ) {
me.on( "unbound", function() {
if ( me.autoDestroy ) {
} );
return this.callParent( arguments );
* Default store configurations
* any types that jQuery allows in $.ajax()
* @property dataType
* @type {String}
* @default "json"
dataType: "json",
* URL Config:
* @property url
* @type {String, Object} string :: only a get store - i.e. 1-way store, get information from the server. object :: mutliple directional store - get and send information to and from the server
* @example
* url: "/getusers.php"
* @example
* url: {
submit: "/saveusers.php"
url: {
* @property get
* @type {String}
* @default null
get: null, //strings
* @property submit
* @type {String}
* @default null
submit: null
* @property stringifyData
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
stringifyData: true,
* set the connection protocol, POST or GET for load
* @property loadProtocol
* @type {String}
* @default "GET"
loadProtocol: "GET",
* set the connection protocol, POST or GET for submit
* @property submitProtocol
* @type {String}
* @default "POST"
submitProtocol: "POST",
* Store status
* 1. initial :: store has just been created
* 2. preload :: store is just about to fire the $.ajax event
* 3. any :: success status of $.ajax()
* @private
* @property status
* @type {String}
status: "initial",
* Simple property to check whether this object is a store
* @private
* @property isStore
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
isStore: true,
* Whether the data in the store has been initialised, ie. convert to records etc.
* @private
* @property dataInitialised
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
dataInitialised: false,
* load store on creation
* @property autoLoad
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
autoLoad: false,
* data store - use setData()
* @property data
* @type {Object}
* @default null
data: null,
* pass parameters when loading the store
* @property params
* @type {Object}
* @default null
params: null,
* initial raw data that was passed when setting the store with setData() function
* @private
* @property _initialData
* @type {Object}
* @default null
_initialData: null,
* default value
* @property async
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
async: true,
* specify a root - used when calling getData()
* @property root
* @type {String}
* @default null
root: null,
* return the correct url when getting or submitting the store
* @method getUrl
* @param type {String} optional - "get", "submit"
* @return {String}
getUrl: function( type ) {
var me = this;
if ( !type ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( me.url ) ) {
return me.url.get;
return me.url;
} else {
return me.url[ type ];
* Load the store - see data.store:loadStore
* @example
* load({
scope:this //scope for callback
* @method load
* @param options {Object}
* @return {Object} self
load: function( options ) {
return Firebrick.data.store._loadStore( this, options );
* Returns the store data attribute
* @method getData
* @return {Object} store data
getData: function() {
var me = this;
if ( me.root ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( me.data ) ) {
return $.isFunction( me.data[ me.root ] ) ? me.data[ me.root ]() : me.data[ me.root ];
return me.data;
* remove data
* @method destroy
destroy: function() {
var me = this;
me.data = null;
me.status = "destroyed";
me.dataInitialised = false;
return me.callParent( arguments );
* provide the raw data
* @method getRawData
* @param initial {Boolean} [default=false] (optional) set to true if you want the original data passed to setData() - if left out or false - it will parse the ko-ed data back to a JS object
* @return {Object}
getRawData: function( initial ) {
var me = this;
if ( initial ) {
return me._initialData;
var b = me.getData();
b = $.isFunction( b ) ? b() : b;
return ko.toJS( b );
* Converts a json object into stores with records
* @method setData
* @param data {Object}
* @return {Object} self
setData: function( data ) {
var me = this;
if ( !me.dataInitialised ) {
if ( !ko.mapping.isMapped( data ) ) {
me._initialData = data;
if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
data = ko.mapping.fromJSON( data );
} else {
data = ko.mapping.fromJS( data );
me.data = data;
me.dataInitialised = true;
} else {
if ( !ko.mapping.isMapped( data ) ) {
me._initialData = data;
ko.mapping.fromJS( data, me.data );
} else {
console.error( "cannot update store data using a mapped object", data );
return me;
* Submit the store data to the specified url.submit path
* see data.store:submit
* @method submit
* @return {Object} self
submit: function() {
return Firebrick.data.store._submit( this );
* convert store data to a plain object
* @method toPlainObject
* @return {Object}
toPlainObject: function() {
var me = this, data = me.getData();
//check if knockout data, if so, convert back to simple js object
if ( $.isFunction( data ) ) {
return ko.toJS( data );
} else if ( $.isPlainObject( data ) ) {
if ( data.__ko_mapping__ ) { // jshint ignore:line
return ko.mapping.toJS( data );
return me.data;
* Convert store data to json string
* @method toJson
* @return {String} json
toJson: function() {
return JSON.stringify( this.toPlainObject() );
} );
* @class window
* @module Global
* @property Firebrick
* @type {Object}
window.Firebrick = Firebrick;
return window.Firebrick;
} ) );